Want To Speak To Someone Right Now?

We’re available by phone, Monday through Friday, from 8am to 5pm EST. Call anytime during these hours, and one of our sales representatives will be able to help you right away!

Call us at 1-631-454-0444!

¿Fuera de los Estados Unidos? ¡También tenemos WhatsApp! Respondemos llamadas y mensajes en nuestro WhatsApp de lunes a viernes, de 8AM a 5PM EST. (+1(800)-345-3448)

Not in the US? We have WhatsApp too! We reply to calls and messages on our WhatsApp Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm EST. +1.631.454.0444


Busy Schedule?
Busy Schedule

Click here to Schedule a free consultation call with one of our sales representatives to fit with your schedule.

During this 30 minute call we’ll be able to answer all your questions about Lady Burd, Private Label, Custom Formulation, and more. We’ll also use this time to learn more about you, your brand, your goals, and your dreams for your own line.

In the meantime, be sure to check out some of our most Frequently Asked Questions.

Prefer We Initiate Contact?

Fill out the form below, and someone from our team will reach out to you via email!

You’ll need a Tax ID Number or an ElN to open your account with us. Once your account is open, it’s easy to place your sample order with your dedicated sales representative, or get started on custom formulating your very own beauty brand! Your sales representative will guide you through the entire process, from idea inception to project culmination!

Please fill out this form and we will contact you with additional information and to discuss your interest and activity in the industry.

Please note, fields marked with a * are required.


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